Southwest Fox is one of my favorite times of the year. Rick, Tamar, and I work hard for almost a whole year getting everything organized so that by the time we actually get to the conference, there isn’t that much left to do. That gives us a chance to do our own sessions, sit in on other great sessions, hang out with old and new friends, and just generally have a lot of fun. It’s such a blast reconnecting with folks I only see once a year or even less. That’s why I’m so bummed out right now –- I won’t be going to Southwest Fox this year.
A medical issue has arisen over the past couple of weeks and as a result my doctor doesn’t want me travelling while we try to get this thing under control. It isn’t too serious –- just annoying and tiring enough that being at a conference will be a bit of a struggle. I’m confident we’ll get things worked out (and I’m already doing better this week than last), so it’s really just a case of lousy timing.
To make me feel even worse about missing the conference, there are several people I’ve never met or haven’t seen in many years coming to SWFox who I was looking forward to seeing.
My session time slots are being covered off thanks to Rick Borup, David Giard, and Tamar who stepped up at the last minute to fill in with extra sessions and Rick Schummer (gotta clarify given the number of Ricks we have as speakers <s>) who’s doing an extra instance of one of his sessions. An updated schedule will be available on the web site and via Guidebook later today. Thanks also to Rick and Tamar who had to pick up my duties. I couldn’t ask for better partners.
I’ll miss you all next week and am envious of the fun you’ll have. Have a great time in Phoenix and I’ll see you all next year!