Monday, August 29, 2022

Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (Oct): Early-Bird ends in 2 days

Last call! (we want to make sure we have your attention)

The Early-Bird discount ends midnight (North American Eastern time) on Wednesday, which is just a couple of days away. Here is the direct link to get registered:

Virtual Fox Fest is October 13, 19, and 25, 2022.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Virtual Fox Fest Registration Reminder

Thanks to all who have already registered for Virtual Fox Fest; we appreciate your support and our speakers are excited to share their sessions with you soon. Please register for Virtual Fox Fest before September 1st, our Early-Bird deadline. We know you are interested in saving $50, and we would appreciate processing the bulk of the registrations in August. Perfect synergy! As a bonus, we won't process your payment until September. It takes just a few minutes to register. Virtual Fox Fest is October 13, 19, and 25, 2022.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (October): Speakers, Sessions, and Registration

Speakers and sessions for Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (October) have been announced, and registration is open!

While I’m of course interested in all the sessions, the ones that interest me the most are Joel Leach's DevOps with Visual FoxPro and Rick Borup's Switching to SQL Server. I have no experience with the former so I'm keen to learn about it and have lots of experience with the latter so I'm interested in Rick's take.

Virtual Fox Fest is October 13, 19, and 25, 2022. The cost is $299 US but register before September 1 to save $50.