Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Checking out Qumana

After a few uses, I've decided the Blogger editor kind of sucks. It's slow (especially if you write longer entries as I've tended to so far), klunky, and seems to have a mind of its own regarding formatting. The fatal thing for me, though, was losing an entire entry just as I was finishing it up last week. So, I'm using a free blog editor called Qumana after reading Craig Bailey's recommendation.

So far, so good. It's very responsive (as you'd expect for a desktop app rather than a browser-based one like the Blogger editor), has a built-in spell checker with the little red squigglies like Microsoft Word, works offline (like I'm doing right now), and supports the same features I like about the Blogger editor (being able to switch between editing in text or HTML, formatting toolbar, easy hyperlinking, etc.). A few things I haven't tried yet are support for ads, tags, categories, and trackbacks, and the DropPad, which allows you to add text or images from any source by dragging and dropping. The only thing I've found that I don't like is the lack of local help; it's available on the Qumana web site. Since I don't currently have a connection (I'm typing this on my flight to Milwaukee), that doesn't work.

1 comment:

Garrett said...

Ah, much better. :-)

In any case, I just wanted to point out that since I don't have a WiFi laptop, I prefer to use posting interfaces that are web-based, so I can leave random messages from places like the Norwescon hotel bar, or the internet kiosks that were in the lobby of the Microsoft Conference Center.

They're nowhere near as useful as your GDI+ posts, but they're fun to do. :-)